
storm on the horizon



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
05-25-2019, 03:58 PM

Eris Pyre

Eris enjoyed lifted her muzzle to the sky and inhaled deeply. The unique scent of the sea rooted her more firmly in her surroundings. It wasn't often that she had a distinct sense of place. The world around her was growing fainter, and knowing exactly where she was... well, it was becoming a strange sort of luxury. Especially in these new lands. If she could learn the secrets of the local weather patterns and travel routes, her surroundings would begin to reveal themselves in a new way. Eris tried to comfort herself with this though - her world would not end when her vision gave up. She never allowed herself to believe there was a cure. Acceptance of a fact was one thing, while "hope" was an entirely different, finicky beast. Hope could really hurt her.

The wolf closed her eyes and began to meditate, trying to sense the barometric pressure shifts as the storm gathered its power. She was young yet, with no old injuries, and couldn't quite feel it in her bones. There was a certain pressure in her skull, though, that she felt was important. Or maybe just a headache.

Lightning flashed and a crack of thunder split the sky, louder than anything she'd ever heard. Eris cowered slightly, her ears flattening against her skull. The light illuminated the sea before her briefly - it stretched out before her, longer and further than anything she'd ever seen. Her breath caught in her throat. All of a sudden she felt very, very small. But I can make sense of this, she thought as the rain began. It wasn't soft at all. The driving rain dripped off of her for a few moments before flattening her fur to the skin. Eris shook herself out and turned to make her way towards higher ground, or where she thought she could find higher ground. The female turned in circles for a moment in the heavy rain, struggling to get her bearings. The thunder was so loud, it was difficult to think.

"Um, excuse me?" Eris yelped and jumped to face Sota. It was difficult to make out the stranger in the rain, and even harder to smell him with the salt and rain filling her nose. His outline was hazy and it was impossible to determine if he was large, small, male, or female. The amount of variables in the situation made Eris a little nervous. She had finally figured out where she was, and now between the storm and the stranger, darkness was creeping in again. Although not naturally suspicious, she had developed a healthy mistrust of strangers as her vision worsened. If you couldn't read body language, judging intention was a nightmare. "Shelter?" She chirped nervously, curling her tail up in alert. Her ears were pricked forward and she was facing slightly to the right of Sota, not quite able to feign eye contact due to the present conditions. This was her usual fail-safe. Cursing Tor for the hand she'd been dealt, Eris laughed nervously. She had never mastered the Ademre stoicism, and it often slipped when she was distressed. "These parts are new to me, but I'm sure something could be found. I came from..." Her brows furrowed. "I can't tell which direction I came from, but there was a deep, earthy smell - and there were trees. I think one of them had an old den in its roots." If it hadn't flooded by now. "Perhaps we can look together?" She wouldn't be able to find her way out of the storm without his help, anyway. Tor, please protect me.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]