
Part the Waters


07-17-2013, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 01:13 PM by Thane.)
The brute had kept an eye on the pouring rain. He wondered when it would stop but then came the floods. Panic struck the male as he looked around for his mate and children.

"Ryker!?! Ravine!?! Resnera!?!" he screamed out trying on call for his children.

White lines ears pressed against the man's skull before they perked up again and he leaped over a fallen log and started into a run. Thane ran towards the scents and sounds of his pack mates before coming upon a stream in the way. There was a bigger stream then a smaller one. On the other side by the smaller stream he squinted to see who was laying on the bank. Aqua blue eyes settled on one of his sons.

"Ryker!" he yelled, hoping to get the boy to move.

The wolf's white lines ears perked up once more at a cry for help. Wait, he knew the voice, it was Ravine! Aqua blue eyes searched for the boy as he soon caught sight of his son. The pup was hanging onto a deer carcass. White lines ears pinned against the Bruce's head as he looked on in horror. It felt as if his heart had stopped in his chest and went to his throat. For the first time h didn't think. For the first time he didn't plan, he just jumped!

Thane leapt into the larger stream of muddy murky water this pulled at his limbs. The water threatened to pull him down but he kept his paws kicking at the water. Adrenaline courses through the wolf's body as he neared the deer carcass that was flowing fast with the water. The brute had jumped a few moments before the deer carcass came by so he could go in front of it. When it came by the male pushed off of the ground beneath the water with slight resistance from the water. His forepaws landed around the carcass as he pulled himself further up to grab his son by the scruff.

Letting go did Thane make sure to keep the boy's head above water and his own as well. Thane's paws pushed the water behind him even though he was being carried by it. Eyeing the bank where his other son was at the wolf pushed towards it. The water seemed to settle down more than in the main part of the flow of the floods. With a grunt he pushed against the water with his paws one last time before lashing out to claw at the mud. His hind legs were being pulled back a bit before fully getting out.

He put Raving back down on the ground before speaking after catching his breath.

"Are you alright?" he asked before sitting on his haunches for a moment.

"Ah...scared me half to death" he said to himself before tuning towards his other son Ryker.

Standing up and walking over to the boy the Bruce's aqua blue gaze settled on the rise and fall of his chest. A sigh of relief escaped Thane's maw before he nuzzled the pup gently.

"Come on Ryker, get up. We have to go to the others. You two will be safer there." he said while nudging the boy with his nose.

Then turning towards Ravine the brute licked some of the mud off of his head before speaking once more.

"Have any of you two seem your sister or mother?" he asked before looking back and forth between his sons.

Thane looked at the stream beside the bank. It seemed to be calming down.They were safe here for now but they had to get a move on soon.

Aqua blue eyes looked back and forth from his boys. A sigh escaped the man's maw before he picked up Ryker by the scruff and set him down beside Ravine. Then laying down on the ground himself he curled around the two pups before waiting for an answer or reply. If not then he would sit here curled around them and keep them warm.

Looking back up at the waters once more did Thane hope his beloved and daughter were alright.