
I'll Take One Drowned Rat To Go, Please

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-25-2019, 06:50 PM
The pup was quick to assure them he was going to bed fine, and likely he was. There was dry drowning to worry about, after a pup nearly drowns they could still have fluid build up. He’d need to be watched for a day or two, just to make sure he could adequately breathe. ”Tyrian Imperialis, I'm from Legion." Exactly what he expected. Trying to hide the exasperation from his not surprise Rhyme looked to the north. Had anyone noticed a missing pup yet? He wondered who the boy belonged to. Not that he had any right to news from… them.

He tried not to sigh too heavily as he half heard Noir’s statement through his own thoughts. He couldn’t bring him back to Abaven, that would cause who knew what kind of consequences. He also had no desire to go trotting up to Legion’s borders, missing pup in tow with two of his own and Ignis. Poem and Noir didn’t need to be around them, and what if they decided he had been the one to grab the boy anyway? Ignis would have to take the pups back to Abaven while he and this boy returned to Legion.

Rhyme zeroed back in on the conversation as Tyrian explained how he had found himself in the river. ”Once Ignis finds his way back over we can try and get you back to Legion.” He told both Tyr and his own two. ”Do you feel cold, or tired?” He asked the boy, at least they weren’t incredibly far from the pack.