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2 Years

Treat 2019
05-25-2019, 08:16 PM


Tsarvix waited quietly as Malleus gave his response, hard gaze set firmly upon the Emperor's own. Yes, the wolf was large. Extremely so, in fact. Though Tsarvix did not feel power radiate off this male as he did when he was in Pyrrhic's presence. He'd like to think that it was because Malleus was not as godly as his son, but it was more likely that the chocolate male was loyal enough to Pyrrhic that he was numb to the dominance of any other.

"I am loyal to my Fallen God." He affirmed carefully. Tsarvix did not know what powers the Abraxas possessed, but he decided that to lie to the Emperor was a bad thing. He knew from Pyrrhic that Malleus himself was supposedly the Fallen God, but the devout male did not see it that way. He figured that with a careful alteration to the larger male's sentence, he could avoid lying but still win the Emperor's approval. Not that he cared what Malleus thought of him, but Pyrrhic obviously did and that was enough for Tsarvix.

Was that it? Confirm that he was, in fact, loyal, and he'd be dismissed? Tsarvix could only hope so. It seemed Malleus had other ideas, and the Emperor strode past him and commanded that he should follow.

Tsarvix bristled behind Malleus' back, but pushed down the frustration before obediently trailing along.

"I would like to hear about the journey that brought you here.” But that would take forever. Tsarvix wanted to growl, but instead let out a breathy exhale. He wondered if the Emperor would be happy with the cliff-note version, surely the Abraxas Emperor had better things to do with his time then listen to the story of a mere mortal.

"I was born to a sinner." He began simply. "She betrayed my father by lying with another male, and my older brother was proof of her sin. She did not survive my birth." He looked down at his paws while he spoke, watching the castle's floor pass underneath them as the pair walked on.

"My father told me it was God's will, and that he had chosen me to punish her for her defiance. My brother was punished too, for sharing her blood. Though God was merciful, and only his tongue was removed." A lump formed in Tsarvix's throat and he cleared it with a violent huff. He had loved his brother, even if he was a product of sin. Time to time he'd think of him and miss him terribly.

"Father died. Then my brother died. Then I came here. I got lost in the forest nearby, they call it a maze. Pyrrhic found me." Tsarvix decided it was best to be concise, where Pyrrhic was concerned. If Malleus did have powers unknown to the male, it was best not to think about things that may incur the Emperor's wrath.

"Can you read minds?" He asked suddenly. The male didn't have the confidence to ask Pyrrhic himself- for fear he'd look a fool in his God's presence -but Malleus seemed to be a safe enough person to ask.


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.