
A lesson from the Devil.



2 Years

Treat 2019
05-25-2019, 08:37 PM


Tsarvix rose quickly as Pyrrhic's scent carried to him, tail flagging upwards on alert. He stepped forward as the yearling approached, trailed by the companion Tsarvix had seen in the maze along with one other of it's species. The chocolate male eyed them with confusion, gaze falling upon the bundle of sticks the smaller one carried. He knew better than to question Pyrrhic, though. It did make sense that the God would command creatures other then only wolves. His excellence surely spread throughout the whole world, and every individual who lived upon it. It occurred to him that maybe prey animals were among Pyrrhic's subjects, and he reminded himself to ask sometime if it was okay to hunt them for food. Otherwise, how could you tell which of the deer were considered sinners and allowed to be killed?

Pyrrhic greeted him warmly, and Tsarvix was overjoyed that he'd earned such a response from the God. He bowed deeply in respect. "Lord Heir." He'd overheard another mortal of the pack address Pyrrhic with the title, and figured it polite to use it if that was what the God had requested of the others of Tsarvix's standing.

As Pyrrhic sat, the devout male did so as well. Two lessons? Tsarvix was once again very humbled that Pyrrhic would devote so much of his time to him. "I'd be thrilled." He answered honestly, gaze lifting to observe the large male's face with curiosity and excitement. For the hundredth time, Tsarvix gave silent thanks to being brought to his God. Pyrrhic was everything he could ask for, and he'd never felt so sure of his place in the world before the two had met.

The femur before them was pointed out, and Tsarvix's tail wagged gently. "It was a jaguar." He told Pyrrhic proudly. "I killed it, and brought you a bone from it's leg." Sure, he'd had help killing the jaguar, but it seemed safe enough to let that go unsaid. How much assistance did the miniscule wolves actually give in the fight? It was their fault the damn thing was angered in the first place. "I'm told people use them for crafting, I wasn't sure if it could be useful to you but I brought it home anyways."


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.