
Promise You This



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
05-27-2019, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2019, 12:33 AM by Lyra.)
She hadn't decided to stalk her brother; it just kinda... happened. She spotted him returning to the territory, and she was bored, so she decided to follow him. At first - she just walked normally. As time progressed and she drew closer, however, she started carefully placing each paw step; she became a shadow of color darting through the gold and green of the wild-growing crops; crops that, for the most part, she ducked under and kept herself low to the ground. It was something that she'd worked hard at, especially with her fur; a glimpse of movement from the side could be enough to ruin her - if she missed it, anyway. She knew, from experience, that if a head snapped towards her, she needed to freeze. Freeze, barely breathing - and if she was in deep cover, it would be enough. If she wasn't in deep cover, she had lost; her coat was too distinctive to actually hide. She wanted to find some sort of cloak - something that could help, but as of yet she could figure out nothing that was quiet AND made her blend in.

She followed along quietly, careful not to draw too close and to also stay downwind of him; she didn't want to give herself away, after all. She did, however, freeze and lower to the ground when her brother abruptly stopped, barely breathing as she counted the seconds. She couldn't see him really; the grasses were too high for that, so she relied on luck, because she was still too far away to hear a reliable crunch amid all the insects and other things living in the grasses and crops. She let it stretch a long moment, before she cautiously pushed herself up and peeked through the grass: he was eating. Perfect.

Each paw careful, and with her counting her blessings that he stopped and started eating not facing her, she crept forward. If the wind changed, she'd be given away. If she stepped wrong, she'd be given away. If anything went less than perfect, she'd be given away. And even so, she didn't expect to get so close as to touch; the scent would grow way too strong for that, but she could get damned close.

And damned close she did get, stopping a few lengths away from her brother. As she straightened, she spoke. "Not gonna share, brother? How rude." The tone was teasing, of course, but mostly she was hoping she'd get a reaction; a startle.

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse