
A Struggling Healer

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-29-2019, 01:36 AM
Shaye smiled at the young Lioness, a lot of her reservations had fallen away the more she saw this woman speak. It would be hard to get past her monsterous size, or to ignore the fact that her long paws looked like they held a massive amount of power behind them. Still, she spoke gently, with passion, and Shaye couldn’t deny that she understood where this Lioness as coming from.

“It can be at times” she admitted, though she did have high ranking wolves that pitched in with the workload. “But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” The Alphess said. She loved her pack, and what she was building it to represent too much. Shaye had mentioned the lack of prides, but the lioness would explain that she had no desire to live in a pride again. After all, a pride had murdered her babies without a second thought.

“You want to live here, in a pack?” Shaye asked, still somehow caught off guard despite the conversation leading up to this. She tossed the idea around her head a few times, considering it, thinking it through. She looked to the powerful lioness, to her sharp eyes, and thought of her love for her children. She glanced as Rhyme, but she could see no argument in her alpha partners eyes. “Cannival.” she said, carefully, thoughtfully. “Its unusual, most certainly, to bring a non-wolf into a pack lands... but Abaven is built on family, not tradition. For the sake of the peace of mind for everyone in my pack, I will bring you into Abaven on a trial period. You can stay in the Rustling Thicket, for two months. If you decide that packlife is for you, and you give us no reason to throw you out, well welcome you into the whole of Abaven with open arms.” she wouldn’t normally give a wolf a probation period, but Cannival was no wolf. If the pack was smaller, and built on wolves Shaye could judge the reactions of exactly, she wouldn’t do this. However, she wanted to give people a chance to get accustomed to the idea of a lioness in their midst. This just gave everyone a peaceful chance to comfortable with it. “If you don’t chose to taken me up on this offer, no hard feelings, and I’ll happily make suggestions for where you can stay outside of Abaven.” she would continue, giving Cannival the chance to choose what she wanted.


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