
ends of the earth



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
05-29-2019, 04:39 PM

As always, Riva was easily distracted and time passed her by before she realised it. Her travel sack was bulging and full, and the scent of herbs was a pleasant aroma about her. She blinked her eyes, realising just how much she was straining, and looked up to see the light was beginning to fade. She looked around her with obvious reluctance, before sighing and pulling the cover over her bag. She would always come back another day, now that she knew this island existed.

She re found her path across the lake, somewhat difficult with the dawdling light. Taking great care to keep her bag dry, and her ribbon was carefully stashed in her bag until she reached the other end. She pulled herself to shore near firefly lake, shook out her coat, and tied the ribbon back to her paw. She gave it a quick lick, but didn’t otherwise dwell on the heirloom and only reminder of a mother she didn’t know.

Feeling a little chilled from the water and night air, the small wolf made her way around the lake. She was far from home, and wondered if perhaps she could seek a night in the pack that lived near here. They were allied with Kesali, where they not? She was just considering her options when she caught sight of the fireflies that had come alive before her. Her mouth parted open and a grin overtook her as she looked at the sight. It was like the very air was alive with dancing, twirling, golden lights. Her distraction meant she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and would stumble over a root and knock her head against a tree. She shook it out, a touched embarrassed, but secure in the knowledge that no one else had seen her.

She continued on, moving past the trees, past the golden wolf, and the -- wait, what? She stopped, and looked again, and sure enough, a white-gold wolf stood there in the shadows of the trees, silent. “Hello?” she called out to the stranger, cautiously.
