

The Judge


07-17-2013, 02:38 PM

Jupiter v Kaios for Death

Round 1

10 for clarity- good clarity

10 for powerplaying. didn?t see any issues here

8 for defenses. tail parallel, lips snarled, ears pinned, well balanced

5 for attack. frontal assault to the face, a merciless attack, but singular

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Jupiter Total: 43/50


10 for clarity- No problems here

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses. ears pinned, stiffened muscles, eyes narrowed, head dipped, tail level, lips curled

3 for attack. I?m not certain that he could manage to get a decent attack on her neck given she?s holding onto his face.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Kaios Total: 43/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- no issues

10 for powerplaying. No issues

8 for defenses. bunching her neck, tail out, well balanced

7 for attack. tries to close her jaws and then jerk back and down

7 for injuries.fur ripped away from the side of her neck

Round two Jupiter Total: 42/50


10 for clarity- no problems

4 for powerplaying. I?m not sure over Jupiter growling and the choruses of other wolves he could have heard Mercury coming as clearly as you made it seem. I?m also not sure that (again) he could reach her neck while his face is still securely in her jaws.

8 for defenses. tucked his tail out of the way, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws open

8 for attack. aiming for the pre-injured area on the neck while trying to push her over

6 for injuries. She?s gradually doing serious damage to his already scarred face.

Round two Kaios Total: 36/50

Round 3

10 for clarity- Nothing here

10 for powerplaying. No problems here

4 for defenses. jaws parted, eyes narrowed

10 for attack. Pushing herself against him before releasing his face, sliding downward to try to make him fall while his leg is lifted, Mercury?s attack lands and tears the Achilles tendon.

6 for injuries. Same area injured further

Round three Jupiter Total: 40/50


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses. weight distributed, tail out for balance, ears pinned, eyes slit, claws dug in

3 for attack. aiming a bite at her throat (how is he doing this while falling back and down?) swung his paw toward her neck/shoulder in order to drag her down with him (again, is he really able to do this while falling back and down?)

3 for injuries. Lost use of his back left leg

Round three Kaios Total: 36/50

Round 4

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

7 for defenses. pinned ears, scrunched neck, eyes narrowed, one paw off of the ground

8 for attack. complex attack ? aims a bite at his throat while pushing her paw into his neck/windpipe

6 for injuries. Currently still in Kaios? jaws

Round four Jupiter Total: 41/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

5 for defenses. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders scrunched, tail tucked. Losing points for being totally vulnerable on the ground

7 for attack. shaking his jaws while holding her neck, attempting to push on her throat with his paw

6 for injuries. In jupiter?s jaws

Round four Kaios Total: 38/50

Round 5

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

8 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail out, scrunched her shoulders, set her hind legs to balance herself in her movements

10 for attack. seeking a firmer and deadlier grip on his neck, burying her claws further into his neck, trying to pin his head down

5 for injuries. Some serious damage being done to her neck with his shaking and tearing.

Round five Jupiter Total: 43/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders scrunched, head tilted down, jaws splayed

5 for attack. aiming with his jaws for the area between her skull and scruff (how can he reach this from his angle?) trying to rip her flesh with his claws as he brings his paw down.

6 for injuries. She?s got a good hold on his neck still

Round five Kaios Total: 41/50


Jupiter: 209/250 +7 for duty = 216/250

Kaios: 194/250 + 5 for duty = 199/250

And the winner is...

Jupiter! Kaios may no longer fight in this battle, and Jupiter may proceed to take his life.


Jupiter- Jupiter will have permanent scarring on the left side of her neck. All wounds will take approximately 2 OOC weeks to heal.

Kaios- n/a due to death


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
I was really disappointed to see both of you spitefully entering OOC comments into this fight. I have seen this before, but not to this magnitude. A fight should remain IC only and ideally, you shouldn?t have to clear anything up in your OOC comments. In the future, I would like to see any comments you feel necessary to be clean and well-written, without insults or snarky wording.

For Starsight
You did a good job, but several times you forgot to list some of your key defenses, remember these next time.

For Aislyn
Sometimes I think you got lost in their positioning and what parts of Jupiter were accessible to Kaios. Your defense setups were wonderful, however.

- By [Andy]