
ends of the earth



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
05-29-2019, 06:35 PM

She stared off into space for a while, trying to realign her thoughts to a new world. She had thought of her past as a dead thing, gone and buried. Oxide surfacing now brought back everything she thought she had conquered. Her sense of abandonment, her longing to know. Her need that her being left was not out of spite, but terrible circumstances that couldn’t be avoided.

Oxide ripped open the bandage, and tore out her healing wound. His voice, bringing her attention back to him, held a chuckle in it. What did he find amusing, about hearing how she was abandoned? It was a self-mocking sort of laugh, through she couldn’t quite identify what it was.

Nysa she almost choked at the name. She had a name for the phantom woman in her mind now. The stranger, that had.. Abandoned her. Truly abandoned her. Oxide spoke of having a mothers love, and how Riva had never so much as… been mentioned. She looked up at Oxide as he backed away from her, tears in her eyes as she struggled with everything he was telling her. They broke free from her and slipped silently down her cheeks as she tried to contain her sobs. She had not been lost, she had simply never been wanted.

What was so wrong with Riva, that her own mother would forsake her, wish her dead? For she would have been dead, if not for the healer that had adopted and raised her. Who had fed her milk, taught her to hunt. and trained her in the art of healing. All without a shred of love, for she had considered Riva to be tainted by her heritage. What she had done, she had done out of a sense of duty as a healer and a giver of life. She had not let Riva call her mother, not once.

She choked on her tears as a big intake of air overtook her, before she struggled to push past it all. She was stronger than this, stronger than her past. She was a healer, and she lived for others, not herself. She struggled to her feet and wiped the tears from her eyes. She forced the warble from her voice as she pushed words passed the lump in her throat. “Thank you. Thank you for telling me, you’ve cleared up a great many things.” she said softly. She didn’t know why Oxide had chosen to speak so cruelly, but she forgave him.
