
No Disrespect [Pack Challenge]



4 Years
Extra small
05-30-2019, 06:41 PM
Tana had been spending her time packing her stuff and getting extra herbs for helping Acere with his new pack in the past few weeks. She had been under the impression that they would be building the pack from the ground up but today she heard a call from an unexpected source. It was acere in what sounded like a pack challenge. Strange, he'd never mentioned that he was going to force someone to give up their home to make his own. Still she had said she would be joining him there.

She shimmied into her red cloak and her companions were quick to leap into their places, alma on her chest fur and basil standing beside her. Her bag was under the cloak but weighted down with herbs and seeds. There were even a few bulbs from spring flowers she had found. It wouldn't make their new home perfect but at least it would make it nicer. It would also give her idle paws something to do other than pace and such. The three were then off. She was fully aware that shaye and Rhyme may show up but if they publicly attacked her or made a scene it may look bad on Abaven.

She arrived slowly, her limp making her so slow. She could smell shaye already and her ears folded and her head lowered. She made a path straight for the opposite side of her, so she'd have to cross the battlefield to reach her. Basil had guided her here to this spot so he might keep an eye on the woman. He was well aware of Tana's feelings and he wasn't sure of shaye's feelings nor intentions. There was a loss of all trust for the Abaven leaders for the trio. Rhyme would likely have sided with shaye if they'd brought the issue to his attention, it had become clear when he no longer desired Tana's company and when they had always scented Rhyme with Shaye. He'd made his choice and left Tana behind to deal with the heartbreak and abandonment.

Tana couldn't see the fight but she was listening. Her cloak also hid the fact that she was so scarred and missing parts of her body. She knew the herbs also hid alot of her true scent. She was here to support acere though, having no idea who he was challenging.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.