
No Disrespect [Pack Challenge]

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-02-2019, 07:01 PM
Rhyme debated for a long time if he was going to appear at the challenge that day. Acere’s voice rang over all of Boreas as Rhyme lay curled up for a nap with his growing pups. The den under the maple tree seemed to shrink as much as the kids were growing. They would need to move into their own dens sooner rather than later. If it weren’t so hot during the day the slate alpha would have been sleeping out in the open, as was his preference. However the cool of the earth made sleeping easier with his three growing pups.

Rhyme sighed heavily and told the three of them explicitly to remain within Abaven while he and Shaye were gone. He knew there was a possibility for huge conflict, and even more chance of Tana being present. He had been glad that Shaye told him Acere had found her, the slate alpha had been completely unable to. The woman had slowly disappeared from their lives, one night she had been in the den with the pups and the next day she was gone. Though he had tried more than he should have to find her, his main focus had to be their kids. After Tana abandoned the three of them Rhyme had put his all into raising his pups. They were his whole world, and despite losing their mother Rhyme was determined for them to grow into well rounded adults.

Another sigh left his dark lips as he lifted himself from the den and headed towards the battlefield. He wasn’t long after Shaye, and he maybe recognized half of the crowd that had gathered. Blue and lavender gaze fell on Tana, position across from his alpha partner. She sat alone, red cloak covering her tiny frame. His gaze grew cold as it traveled over her. Rhyme didn’t think forgiveness would be easy. The pain she had put their pups through… He forced his gaze to continue on. He hadn’t been happy about Shaye offering his kids up to Acere when they reached a year old, but he knew he wouldn’t have been able to really fight her on it either. By that point they were old enough to start making their own decisions for their life, they would be free. They would be their own wolves and they would be able to decide who they did and did not want in their lives.

He skimmed over Valentine’sform as well, having even less desire to see his old face. Rhyme’s brows knit as he lowered his haunches to the ground, taking his seat near Shaye’s dark form. He let his eyes linger on Acere and Ignis, trying to be excited for their potential new future.