
would you follow me?



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-02-2019, 09:26 PM
Oxide was far from innocent, with his upbringing it had been a long time since he could claim that virtue. He had seen many evils in the world, and often they influenced him. Eris muttered softly before Ox had reacted to the impending arrival of the wolverine. She told him these herbs would indeed be able to help him when he rushed the creature. He wasn’t normally a protective one, Ox had no desire to dominate or own anyone. He loved his freedom and that meant to possessions as well, but here and now all he could think of was to keep Eris out of harm's way.

He would tell you, if asked, that the behavior was only because of her debt to him. However, when he saved her from this danger he hadn’t hesitated like he had near the quicksand pit. Now he was in the thick of battle, his deep garnet gaze focused on his opponent as his teeth found their mark. He grabbed the wolverine in a way that its teeth would be no issues, but it's long steel like claws were another story.

As the Nightingale boy struggled with the creature’s head the claws of its front paws were aimed wildly at his rusty chest. The deadly weapons managed to land as Oxide tried to beat the creature back. He stifled a cry as it tore deep gashes into his chest. Feeling a rage bubble up beneath the pain Ox shook his head with his mighty strength, causing the wolverine damage to its own muzzle as well as disorientation from the abrupt movement.

The bulky boy felt flesh rip and tear as the wolverine cried out again, but by this time it had had enough. It managed to remove itself from Oxide’s grasp and with another bite to its rump by the silver boy the wolverine disappeared into the shadows.

Oxide stood silently, his breath coming in great heaves as he let his head call to shoulder height. Blood poured freely from his wounds as he stood heavily, ready for round two if he needed to be. The pain in his chest wouldn’t start yet, not until the adrenaline wore off in just a few more minutes. Slowly he shifted his rusted features to where Eris stood, ”Are you unharmed?” He asked through grit teeth as he attempted to catch his breath.