
A lesson from the Devil.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-03-2019, 05:34 AM


Tsarvix nodded his head almost excitedly as Pyrrhic praised him for his kill, his tail still swooping happily in the dirt. It wasn't often that the male was able to let go of his serious side and let himself feel, though it was quite easy to be happy around his deity. It was if nothing could ever go wrong again, as long as he had Pyrrhic nearby. "Thank you." He murmured in sincerity, and he grew happier still as the yearling before him spoke of finding a use for it. Tsarvix was not sure what kind of things a God could use a bone for, but he knew whatever it was would be magnificent.

Pyrrhic called to his companion, and Tsarvix grew still as a stick was brought to the young God. In the female's hands was a second, and the chocolate male retrieved it gingerly before laying down himself and mimicking Pyrrhic's stance with one side of it overtop his left foreleg while his right paw came down to hold the other end steady. He peered closely at the other male's practiced movements, watching as he stripped the bark from it's tip with careful precision. Narrowing his eyes in concentration, Tsarvix bowed his head to do the same. Deep brown ears flicked forward as Pyrrhic explained his idea- spears. He hadn't the faintest idea of how they'd manage to wield them or what their use could be, but he was sure that the divine wolf would fill him in when they got that far.

After a brief silence, Pyrrhic began to speak once more- this time of Abraxas history. Tsarvix found it difficult to multitask in this way, but he did his best to at least match the speed of which the younger male carved while still listening intently on the history. It was a fascinating retelling, and the conviction with which Pyrrhic spoke made it truly enthralling. Somewhere in the story, Tsarvix had abandoned his efforts on working the stick to watch the prince with reverence.

His fur bristled as Pyrrhic spoke of Abraxas being cast down from the heavens. As the godling finished, the chocolate male rose to his paws briskly, a snarl daring to tear free from parted jaws. He kicked the stick aside, watching it roll not a meter away, and then turned to face his God.

"Then why?" He spat, tail flagging behind him angrily. "Why do you not simply take it back? You're immortal, aren't you?" It was not an accusation, but more of a plead for action. "We should just go now, conquer these lands and reclaim your throne! I swear to it, I will stand behind you against anyone who dare cross you again." The male's chest puffed inwards and outwards alongside his quickened breaths, piercing emerald gaze focused intently upon Pyrrhic's own. "Until my last breath."

It crossed Tsarvix's mind then that maybe he'd gone too far- he'd questioned his God and perhaps that was a sin in itself. His conviction wavered and a mix of fear and shame was thrust forward upon him, tainting his fierce expression. His ears flicked forward and then back to lay upon his skull, and his gaze fell off Pyrrhic's face to rest upon the stick in his God's paws.

As he waited the divine beast's retaliation, Tsarvix all but deflated.


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.