
Plot with Koala!

Updated 08/08



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-03-2019, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2019, 06:01 PM by Tsarvix.)

Cannival is a lioness who came to Ardent after defecting from her pride. She was raising young cubs when a new pride leader took over, who promptly slaughtered every cub in the pride to make room for his own bloodlines. Cannival was heartbroken, and came here looking for a better land. She'd heard wonderful things about the family structures of wolves and sought one out to reinvent herself.

Cannival desperately wants to immerse herself in wolf culture, she's taken up healing although she has absolutely no idea how to do it. She also will be absolutely in love with puppies. Generally, she's very sweet and friendly. She wants badly to make friends, though in her experiences wolves are not so welcoming to lions.

Cannival started out in Abaven as a sanctuary there, but upon meeting Rain and being poisoned found herself living in Risen. She feels she owes Rain a life debt, and so she'd going to be sticking around there for a while. I'm looking for someone to teach her that Abaven is not as rude and discriminatory as she thinks it is, so evil wolf plots definitely welcome <3

Committing evil acts*

* The only exception I would make towards her committing any kind of evil act would be pup-napping. She is gentle hearted and generally would not do anything cruel or malicious, but she is extremely maternal as she lost her cubs, and I could see her eventually becoming quite sad that she's in a land without lions and thus would never be able to have kids again. It's possible that she would kidnap one- whether from an abusive parent, an evil pride, or hell, probably just any pup she could want to steal. Other-species are not allowed to force-claim, however. So this would have to be very consensual OOC.

New Friends
Healing points/Lessons
Learning about wolf culture/Intellect Points
Anything to do with pups**- she'd be a great babysitter!

** Although it's unlikely that I'll find a player willing to have their pup kidnapped, I'd like to see her having a cub-substitute someday. I'd love it if she could find an orphaned or abandoned pup and raise it as her own. She'd obviously not be the best teacher of wolf mannerisms, but she'd be the sweetest, kindest, and fiercely protective mother ever.

Tsarvix is 100% devoted to his religion, which currently amounts to him following Pyrrhic around like a puppy dog. The Risen Empire may believe that every member of the Abraxas family is godly, but Tsarvix does not think there can be more than one "true" God and he's placed himself firmly in Pyrrhic's corner. He does believe that other Abraxas's are more then mortals (of course, seeing as they share blood with Pyrr) but he does not think as highly of them as he does the heir. To their faces he will put on appearances, but only to avoid disrespecting Pyrrhic. Being so devout, he really doesn't want any distractions for his path. This could make it difficult to find ways why he would interact with a stranger- he doesn't think friends are important so he wouldn't go introduce himself to a random wolf. He does, however, believe in living life without sin. His ideas of sin may be different then others, but he still would attempt to help another wolf who is in need... and possibly push his religious agenda while he's at it.

Threads far from Risen Territory
Random friends (Tsarvix sees no need for friends, he'd need a reason to befriend your wolf.)

Meeting Risen members
Spars/Training/Fighting Points
Knowledge of Risen and Abraxas History/Intellect Points
Crisis of Faith*

* I'd like Tsarvix to encounter a situation that makes him struggle with his faith, but most importantly I want him to return to it afterwards. One situation I've thought of would be for my dude to find a mate. I think it'd be nice for him to pull away from the Empire a bit as he falls in love, and struggle with realizing that something- or someone -is suddenly more important to him then Pyrrhic.

Although, I do need him to eventually pull out of this crisis and that one is tougher to plot out. I wouldn't want someone's character to be killed off for him, so the only way that I can think of to make him turn his back on a mate would be if she betrayed him in some way.

Honestly though I'm more then up for ideas. I love long-winded plotlines but I can be short on ideas. If you can think of some way for your wolf to make my dude forget his allegiance to Pyrrhic for a period of time, pleaaaase throw it my way. (:

Fracture is still a relatively new character! He is a gruff soldier with a strong moral code who was born and raised in a distant war-torn land. He left said land when it became apparent that his pack was torturing captives for information. Fracture is not necessarily judgemental, but does not find it hard to walk away from a situation that he is morally against. He came to Ardent looking for a strong pack to settle in, to possibly find a family and just get away from the constant stress of war and settled upon Winterfell.

I am open to a hell of a lot on this guy, I have no particular plans for him so hit me! I love unexpected character paths. If you've been looking for a character to fill a specific plot then look no further, because Fracture has lots of room to be molded.

I am a player that is open to anything.

Nothing, yet!

Friends / Miscellaneous Interactions
Mate [Male or Female]
Fighting Points/Spars
Navigation Points/Travelling Buddies

Kindle is a member of the Ademre, for long story short that means she does not express her emotions openly and instead expresses them through a sort of paw-sign language. She is very new still, though there are some plots in the works. Her personality is as follows:

Kindle is a respectable and poised she-wolf. Her alignment should fall somewhere around a true neutral, as Kindle has learned to see both sides of a story. She will be be diplomatic and kind in the right situations, but has also learned to be unwielding in the face of adversity. She has a gentle side, though has also learned to value traits of intellect and strength. Kindle will aim to be dignified in all that she does, and will hold a certain pride in herself and her appearance. She maintains a clean, well-groomed coat at all times and hates to be dirtied.

Everyone may have a bad side, but Kindle practices mindfulness in order to keep it contained from the general population. It takes a lot to anger the she-wolf, but when enraged she will abandon nearly all her values in the sake of destruction and vengeance. Blue is the color of the hottest flames, and Kindle is no exception. She can fight ruthlessly and with cruelty when pushed hard, and though she will undeniably regret the times she loses control, in the heat of the moment she is driven purely through passion and emotion. She feels this is her largest flaw, as displaying emotions so openly is frowned upon by the Ademre.

Rape / Kidnap plots / Romance

Friends / Miscellaneous Interactions
Fighting Points/Spars
Hunting points / + Dedicated hunting buddy (She wants to kill one of each prey and predator in Ardent)

Zee is a slave living in Ashen who is not at all slave-like. She is feisty and proud, with a long-term goal of becoming an alpha one day. She is very social though can be hard to get along with. She also has too much happiness in her life right now and I'd be super down to cause her some emotional turmoil. She sucks at fighting right now but is being trained by Sirius, who is her self-proclaimed husband. She does love him very much, and so romance is off the table.

As an afterthought, you're going to have to expect any negative thing to come towards Zee to come back at your character from Sirius. She's *not* the type to tattle, so if it's off pack lands your wolf is safe... but if he gets wind of someone being cruel to her in Ashen I cannot control what he does.

Betraying Ashen

Friends / Allies for eventual pack
Fighting Points / Spars
Navigation points / travel buddies. Lets see the world together!
Mean people to be mean to her, bonus points if they're a Klein master.

PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.