
would you follow me?



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-03-2019, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2019, 08:32 PM by Eris.)


She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but his teeth-gritted recalcitrance was frustrating. Eris had certainly had less difficult patients to tend to, but she appreciated the challenge - and, above all else, she owed Oxide a debt that she knew now she could never repay. If that wolverine had gotten hold of her, there would have been little left. She was certain that she would be seeing those glinting claws in her nightmares for months, if not years, to come.

As she felt his weight shift to use her for support, she made a soft, soothing sound in her throat. It was a low keen, drawn from her earliest memories. Before her mother had left her. The scent of blood was almost overwhelming now. She was glad when he acquiesced and settled heavily on to his side. "I've heard it helps if you yell," Eris whispered, nuzzling his ear briefly. It was in her nature to be tender and the Ademre had little sense in the way of boundaries. "This is going to hurt, but I need to clean the area." She set about licking his wounds and the area around the cuts thoroughly. His blood coated the inside of her mouth - it was a strange, violent kind of intimacy. Eris worked diligently, then carefully set moss in place to sap the blood.

"I need to find some wild lettuce, I think that's the only thing that'll be around here for your pain... it is a mild sedative, so you may fall asleep after. But that's good, you need to rest to heal." Eris scented the area around him, snuffling close to the ground and pacing circles. "Okay, I'm going to look for it. Keep making noise so I can find my way back to you... sing a song, tell a story, anything." The sun was setting fast, but adrenaline was pumping through her veins. She tracked the scent of the wild lettuce and began digging up the plant whole so it was be easiest to transport. As she was scouting, she also tried to locate some Wooly Lamb's Ear. She wasn't able to find anything, and she hoped the moss would hold for now. Once she had gotten the lettuce, she pricked her ears, listening for Oxide's voice to guide her back to him.

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