
Plot with Koala!

Updated 08/08


06-03-2019, 08:33 PM
Alright I have a few plots here to offer you if you would like. Having quite a few characters myself gives me plenty of wolves to offer to you.

For Tsarvix;
- Zinnia Wreckage, a Risen empire member and mate to Typhon Abraxas. She is a hunter & Intellect, so she is open to intellect points. Them two meeting would be points but they could craft an item not related to other skills, teach each other lessons not related to other skills, or he could even help her arrange a training session for her pups (not related to any other skills).

- Dionysus Abraxas, Son to Typhon Abraxas & Zinnia Wreckage. This is my little future fighter. He is a fighter and Intellect and would be open for many skill point threads with this guy. He does need others in the pack aside from his father to teach him skills in fighting so he can be very diverse in his knowledge.

For Cannival;
- Corentine. Corentine is my healer/hunter of Abaven, she is dealing with a lot right now emotionally with taking care of her dying mother. She would be up for helping Canni to learn healing and learn about different herbs. Also the distraction of maybe gaining a friend would help her out during this time as well.

- Lucine. Corentine & Brandr's daughter. Lucine is a hunter/intellect hopeing to become a happy mixture of both her parents. She doesn't have to many friends right now in Abaven and would be up for meeting a Lion.

- Storm. Storm is Corentine's dying mother. She is a tiny women standing at 26 inches and is completely blind after a run in with a spitting cobra when she was young. Storm is a healer and would be up for to teach and even allow Canni to treat her symptoms of her age and the cancer that is growing within her.

- Actaea Praetor. This would be Acere's neice and will also be a member of Acere's pack. She is turning out to be different from what I originally had planned for and has had a heck of a lot happen in her young life. A healer and an intellect. She is always in need of interactions with others.

- Elara Durand. This is another girl that is going to be in Acere's pack. She is a fighter/hunter and would be up for spars and would even be up for doing some navigating if she can do some hunting at the same time.