
No Disrespect [Pack Challenge]



4 Years
06-04-2019, 09:04 AM

Aramis had been tending to his mother all day, making sure she had enough food and drink. He was still trying to figure out the best herbs to cure this illness that had overtaken her. The problem was, he'd never seen an illness like this before. She just seemed... depressed. And it was manifesting itself physically, robbing her of willpower and energy. The iridescent boy huffed a sigh as he left the den to get some fresh air and clear his head. It was hard, so hard, to watch a loved one fade away like this. He needed to speak with his sister. Maybe she had come up with an idea of something they could do.

But just as he was correcting his path to search for his sister, a call rang out that seemed to shake the whole continent. Someone challenging for a pack? Aramis felt his hackles lift a bit. He hated that kind of conflict. And at the same time, it intrigued him. He began to entertain the idea of going and watching from a distance, when Aurielle sent up a howl that sealed the deal for him. If his sister was going, he was going. If anything went wrong, he wouldn't be alone. Aurielle had a head start and was certainly in better shape to be running such a long distance. Aramis kept up as best he could, following her scent to the battlefield.

Gods. This place reeked of blood. Maybe he'd made the wrong choice coming here. But he'd made a choice, regardless. He was here now, and he was going to watch this thing play out. It might even turn out to be a good learning experience for him. His father would be proud to know he was making an attempt to learn more about pack relations and diplomacy. Aramis caught a glimpse of his sister. Her white, glimmering coat was difficult to miss. He trotted to her side, touching his nose to her shoulder gently. "Rielle," he said quietly, smiling at her as he took a seat by her side. "I thought I might join you, and perhaps learn a bit from this challenge."