
little shadow's bed and breakfast



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-04-2019, 07:59 PM


The herb was certainly mollifying his attitude, which Eris was wildly appreciative of. She was tired of his front - everyone had to let their guard down some time. If his vulnerability happened to be revealed with some medicinal assistance, then so be it. "Hmmm... I've never heard of that fruit before," she murmured. Eris felt him in to her smaller frame and gladly returned the favor, pressing her body back against his. With the light finally gone from the sky, the night was cooling off quickly.

A wry smile crept across her face when he told her she could move closer. Happy to oblige, Eris snuggled up to him, but was quickly assaulted by the scent of blood. She wrinkled her nose. "I'm going to clean you up around the wounds, but you should be feeling a bit better by now. I still have some lettuce left over, I'll leave it next to you when you fall asleep." Eris was fairly certain that the bitter herb wouldn't do any harm if Oxide decided to eat a whole head of it. She couldn't imagine the amount of pain he was in.

Carefully, Eris began to groom the fur around his cuts, giving the open wounds a healthy berth. Due to their size difference, Eris was able to work with a surprising deftness. Grooming was one of her favorite past times, and she put her full attention to tending to Oxide. Many a lazy summer afternoon had been passed sandwiched between her siblings while they preened mud from their coats. She was only happy to provide him the same diligence.

"Have you ever tasted a coconut?" Eris asked. She was close to finishing up his grooming, and if he had chewed as much lettuce as she had hoped, Oxide should have been feeling pretty good. Now that he was a bit easier to smell, Eris gave him a taste of true Ademre hospitality by pressing the length of her body to his and resting her muzzle on his ribcage.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]