
take it on the other side



1 Year
06-04-2019, 08:19 PM
She did not notice his approach, so intent was she on the task of fishing. Ever observant when it came to little gestures or nuances in behaviour, she might have been intruiged to see his paw shift and flex, terrified of the hellion that stood close by, but blissfully unaware, she struck out once more withour success, causing water to spash up her front, and the little fish that had been tempted out from their hiding places to promptly return.

It was only when the stranger spoke that her ears swiveled to meet his words, warm tones sparking matching colours in her peripheries. To her, the moment he spoke, it felt very much like he was facing her. "No luck at all." She admitted, her stare lingering on the rippling surface just a moment longer. "The rivers I've known were always shallow, so fishing was easier." Muses went on to explain, more thinking out loud than purposeful conversation. With a sigh that indicated that she was still committed to the activity despite her growing frustrations, she turned to face the wolf who offered to lend a helping paw.

Her acceptance was on the tip of her tongue, bubbling from her mouth as she turned her head and shoulders. But her twisting body suddenly froze, and the hackles between her shoulder blades and along her rump began to rise. Her first instinct was to pull back, to flatten her ears amd guard her neck. Wolves with deeply saturated pelts were something of a new species to her, but she understood those with coats dark as pitch to be dangerous. The rebels who had cause the avalance and killed her family were mainly soot in colour. As if to add to his sinister appearance, flames licked his limbs, embers glowing throughout his fur.

She did not want to scorn him, to shut him out when he had only offered assistance. Her heart ached, knowing he had not wronged her personally, but his presence brought a queasy feeling to her stomach. Though she did not, could not, force a smile this time around, she gulped hard against the lump that had grown in her throat, and turned her body, inviting the dark wolf close. "An extra set of paws would be great." Muses stated carefully, trying to keep an open mind.