
As we roll down this unfamiliar road



07-17-2013, 06:31 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 06:34 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The woman seemed kind enough, she was pleasant and as polite as one would expect of someone requesting admittance. Chrysanthe watched as the other tentatively explained herself, she had the background of a rogue, one that had never had a home or place to call her own. This would be a big change for her - and the alpha was glad it was one that she seemed to be anxious to make. As for what she would do here, she would perhaps need to find out later, although if Meili had a skill that she would like to persue Chrys would gladly let her do just that.

She looked her over a moment, and she knew that she would remember Meili's soft hesitant gaze for days to come. Perhaps here in Valhalla she would find her confidence, and hopefully she would grow confident in Valhalla all the same. "Of course Valhalla will have you." How could she turn her away? Especially when Gael took such a shining to her. That boy had run off while he was young only to recently return, it must have meant something that he had brought her back here even after that. "A few things to keep in mind - remember to respect for your higher ups as well as your fellow members, and remain loyal. No spilling our secrets or leaving without asking."

She eyed Gael a moment, only a glance before she looked back to Meili. She was the one that was new here, she was the one that received the attention for her run down. "Say something if you want pups with a chosen mate, protect our young and our borders when danger arises, and should you ever need anything, I am always here." The alpha finished with a small smile and a tip of her head. If Meili had any questions she would answer her, but if not, she was now free to call herself a member of Valhalla.

"Right now, we're in dire need of a few good hunters. Would you be interested in aiding the few we have? Ashtoreth will teach you everything you need to know." She had faith in her lead hunter, despite the woman having a somewhat quieter disposition.