
Family Lost, Family Found



07-17-2013, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 07:03 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The call from her beta was a pleasant surprise. She had been looking after Lyric, the girl was growing just as quickly as the rest of her siblings. When she heard the call, she decided to bring the young thing along with her - Cormalin was her uncle after all, if it was a good natured call she saw no harm in bringing her sibling along. "Hurry up we have someone to meet." She teased the girl before trotting off toward the male and his guest, wondering just who it was that he would have with him.

As she neared him, she noted the scent that was mixed with his was that of a female, but entirely familiar in contrast. Family perhaps? Erani had quite a bit of family, at this rate she would have trouble keeping up with this particular branch of it, the Adravendi's were already growing quickly enough. Yet she was happy that a new addition would be known to her, and glad that she had decided to bring Lyric along. The girl could use a bit more socialization, she was getting a bit too quiet in Chrys's opinion. Ever since the repeated disappearance of her sibling she had curled quite deeply into herself.

When the two were in eyesight, Chrysanthe could definitely see that the two of them were family. "Cormalin!" She greeted the male, her tail wagging behind her as she looked the male over. He seemed to be alright! As did the female that he was with. "And who have you brought with you?" The question was asked to the stranger, she was welcome to introduce herself if she would rather do it than let Cormalin speak for her. If Chrysanthe was going to give a good guess, this woman seemed to be a younger sister to the beta that she was standing beside - but she could be his daughter or niece as well. "I'm Chrysanthe, Valhalla's alpha. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And this is Lyric." She motioned for the girl to stand beside her and not behind her, and she slowly obliged. This woman would be some sort of direct family to her, it would be good for her to know her a bit.