
Derecho x Torin Pups [Closed!]



7 Years
Extra large
06-05-2019, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2019, 10:44 AM by Torin.)
So it's finally happening, Torin and Derecho are having their first litter! Blue and I have decided to open up the last two slots of the litter to adoption, which is where you all come in!

So some important information first, the pups will be raised within Lirim and will not be allowed ICly to wander beyond its borders unsupervised until a year old. (Out of character I encourage playing with pushing those boundaries as much as is in character for your pup) After a year old while it will be encouraged that the litter stays in Lirim neither parent will force them. In Lirim the pups will be raised as any other litter, they will not be afforded any special privileges than any other pups beyond one of them being named heir. Ranks and the position of heir will be something they will be encouraged to strive towards. The litter also already has three other pups Lili, Pàdraig and Lachlan.

Torin is Lawful good and Derecho is True Neutral so anything from Chaotic Neutral to Lawful Good is fine for the pups. Lirim is a lighter aligned pack and the pups will be raised to represent its values. Both Derecho and Torin will be protective and involved with the litter so expect lots of cuddles and play but also discouragement of evil or harmful behaviors. I understand IC development can shape a character but none of these pups should start out darker and will need ample reasons to become darker as they age.

While both Blue and I encourage finding and playing with plots for all the pups we'd like everyone to remember the family and by extension, the pack will not hesitate to seek retribution for harms done to the pups and if they themselves act in harmful ways will not be allowed off for free. Torin has a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to punish his kids in ways he sees fit if they turn out to be behaving in harmful ways.

We also ask that these pups be active, nothing crazy but at least a few posts a month and we'll take extenuating circumstances into account, however, failure to meet activity will result in taking the pup back without warning. (This is your warning.) Setting the character inactive without talking to us first will mean we take the pup back automatically. If for whatever reason you'd rather not play the character anymore please talk to us, killing them off or otherwise getting rid of them without talking to us will mean any further apps for future litters will not be considered.

One last thing before we get into the fun parts, in regards to designs. Any designs provided by us/any offered up to the litter will be required to remain with the character, many were paid for by us for this and future litters, meaning if we take them back for any reason the design and any art of that design goes with them. Any design you provide for your adoption will go back to you in the event we reclaim the pup. Please be aware of this.

Okay! The fun stuff!

Names: All the pups will be taking their grandfather's last name Valentine, as for first names Celtic or Gaelic Scottish names are all on the table. [Lolaf desperately wants a son named Fergus]. Middle names can be a bit more open and are optional.

Designs: Alongside the designs provided below you are free to make/choose your own design. Please keep in mind that both parents are mostly Black/White/Grey but browns and reds are also in Torin's family line though less likely in these pups, with two pups already more red/brown I personally have a preference to see more Monochrome designs but it won't negatively affect any apps. All pups are eligable for 25% of any purchase of extra height up to 40".

1. (Yellow eyes) & 2. (Blue eyes)
[Image: r3yCidu.png]
[Image: fXLKOwi.png]
[Image: tczNuc9.png]
[Image: 0c2aDGZ.jpg]

[Image: dcjweg2-f8e9373f-7dac-403d-8dc9-e133817a...8v75uTS5Gk]

[Image: dd3qsqc-e10d088e-13c4-4aa9-90e9-085ff667...T4lQdxNxIw]
[Image: dbj0fs0-96697d21-5799-401d-9e29-304f557f...lmChNT5zV4]

[Image: cqw25Iy.png]

[Image: oUXJNHT.png]

Further designs may be added.

The App:
[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Name:[/b] (Name) Valentine
[b]Design:[/b] (If choosing one of the provided please also give a backup design just in case)

[b]Physical Description:[/b] Site Min.

[b]Personality:[/b] Sit Min.

[b]RP Sample:[/b] 100 word min.

[b]Are you willing/able to pay for a pup pass? (And any other purchases required of the design?)[/b] Blue and I have not yet worked out how we're spreading out our free pup passes but this knowledge will help us when figuring out who gets the passes.

Application deadline: June 20th
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3