
A Change in the Wind



07-17-2013, 06:52 PM

Cormalin could see that Meili was absorbing the information he gave. Like his sister, he?d been given training in reading the body and face, and in how t wipe one?s own body of expression. That ploy was Erani?s specialty. During a spar, even when they were pups, once she had mastered that trick, her sparring partner was hard pressed to predict her next move. He liked that Meili was considering Valhalla, and her next words confirmed his readings. He could understand her following addition to those words.

Cormalin nodded, smiling. ?Of course. Take all the time you need.? He rose and turned toward the west, and slightly south. Gesturing with his nose, he spoke. ?That way is where Valhalla is located. If a white female with blue eyes and an interesting accent answers your call, that will be Aislyn. Show the strength you have, but be respectful, she can be grouchy at times, but she is a good Beta. If a white female with a dark brown face and blue eyes answers, that is our Alpha, Chrysanthe. Let them know that I think you?ll fit in well, and told you where to go if you choose Valhalla.? Full tail wagged lightly.

His ears pricked at a distant, familiar call. Erani. ?That will be Erani. Looks like it?s uncle duties for me.? He grinned, looking forward to it. Turning to Meili, he bowed his head. ?Walk safely, Meili. I hop to see you in our family soon.? It was an earnest hope. He liked her bravery. With a friendly brush of his tail toward her shoulder, he took off at a smooth lope. He felt that he?d been successful in his first claiming in the long run.

-Exit Cormalin!-