
little shadow's bed and breakfast



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-05-2019, 04:58 PM
His breathing was soft and steady, completely different from the ragged gasps he’d been taking before the set foot into the gully. With his eyes closed, body supported by the thick moss, and Eris tucked perfectly beneath his arm Oxide reached relaxation. An odd sensation on his usually tense and wound body. Despite being so young he had indeed lived an incredibly rough life. ”That would be… nice.” His words were only a bit slurred as even his facial muscles seemed to turn to putty. His drugged mind found the thought of trying his first coconut with her oddly pleasant. Not that Sober Oxide would have been so amused.

His voice quieted as he divulged his secret thoughts, pleasing Nysa and Deimos had been the epitome of his existence. Neither of them had been as sweet, understanding, or loving as Eris. They’d barely known each other 24 hours (time apart excluded) and he felt drawn to her presence. Even if he called off her debt, the boy would likely have tried to find her side. Her vocals were like a song as she offered to give him all she knew of her culture. Oxide listened, but he dozed in and out at her explanations. They caused vivid half dreams as he wavered in and out of consciousness.

He was mostly awake when she told him that he would fit right in. Even in his inebriated state he had to doubt her assessment. He found her signing interesting, not that he could see the way her paws moved. ”You might have to teach me,” Ox mumbled as he pulled her tighter and sighed heavily. Sleep wasn’t so far off, and when sober Oxide returned in the morning he’d wish he’d forgotten their conversation. ”Are you saying I’m gruff?” He joked amusedly, knowing the answer.