
we didn't start the [FIRE IN ABAVEN]

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-05-2019, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2019, 09:32 PM by Rhyme I.)

Rhyme stood on the carved boulders that made up the monument to give the rapids their name. Blue and lavender eyes unable to separate from the deep black clouds that gathered to the north of Abaven. Solitude perched on his back while Imperia struggled with the violent winds above them. The slate alpha felt his stomach drop when the ravens had brought the clouds to his attention. If they brought rain it would be torrential, guaranteed to bring about flash flooding.

That threat was secondary on his list of worries, the first was just as frightening. Lightning seemed to continuously flash in those impossibly dark clouds. If they finally found purchase on the ground below a fire would surely begin. Dark brows knit as the storm was blown closer, revealing that they would not be letting their rain loose anytime soon.

”Imperia!” He shouted over the sound of the wind as the Clouds grew closer. ”Find Shaye!” He couldn’t hear her reply, but it seemed she heard him and veered off with the wind. Rhyme’s eyes returned to the ground as the clouds reached the far side of the thicket. As he was aout to take shelter on lower ground he saw it happen. What he feared the most.

Lightning cracked ad the bright flash of light raced to the ground. Without the rain the fire started quickly. Rhyme felt his heart stop, but didn’t hesitate to take action. He threw his head back as he raced towards the thickets, his message a clear warning. There was fire in Abaven.