
little shadow's bed and breakfast



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-05-2019, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2019, 08:40 PM by Oxide.)

Oxide barely heard her reply as the boy started to fall into slumber. He ‘hmm’d’ softly as Eris mumbled quietly and rubbed under his chin. He didn’t last much longer and as the girl pressed closer he slipped into a deep slumber.

The day was well underway when the pain woke him from his sleep. The bright light of the sun beamed in his eyes as he blinked back his sleep. He groaned heavily, his chest again feeling like it was on fire as he breathed in and out. It pulsed with his heartbeat and he could hardly focus on anything but the pain and the heat of the day. Eventually he managed to get his feet under himself, his wounds easily opened back up with being disturbed. He hadn’t moved at all the night before, a combination of his exhaustion and the drugs he’d taken. Not he was aching.

The sound of the stream drew him near as his eyes finally adjusted to the light. He winced with each step, but slowly made it to the crystal clear water of the brook. Carefully the boy picked his way over the flat stones and positioned himself in the water so that it flowed easily over the gashes in his flesh. The moss Eris had placed washed away as did any of the grime that remained or was added since the moss had been placed.

Eris crossed his mind and so did the night before. He felt like a fool for everything he had said, and silently prayed the girl might forget. Or at least be kind enough not to mention his moments of weakness. The thought made him wince as much as the feeling of water through his wounds. He breathed deeply, trying to remain stoic. To regain his control over his reaction to the pain. He hurt, more than he wanted to admit, but it wasn’t as bad as the night before when the medicine had yet to take effect.

He lapped up a bit of the clear water as he relaxed into the stream. He wondered for a moment if Eris had left him, but he hadn’t failed to notice the new plants that lingered next to the lettuce he should have eaten before slipping into the pool. He sighed heavily as he bore through the pain, but looked up with deep ruby eyes at Eris approach.

He couldn’t decide if he should smile or bury his face in the water and just not pop back up with how he’d behaved the night before. He wasn’t supposed to feel shame, what was she doing to him?! Internally he couldn’t believe how panicked he was, but all he wore was the hint of a smile as she pushed the herbs closer to him. Eagerly he took her up on the offer. The lettuce wasn’t as pleasant the day after and the new grassy stuff was even worse, but he let himself trust her and took it.

”Yes, you’ve been busy.” He lifted his brow, but even through his practiced voice the pain showed through. She was covered in dirt and.. other bits of nature. He couldn’t explain it, but she was so much more endearing this way. He shook the thought from his head, and was rewarded with an instant headache. He tried not to groan, but it filtered out anyway.