
safety meeting



1 Year
06-06-2019, 08:59 AM
Her fears were quick to start melting away, though there was a long road ahead. Riva's quip brought a sudden wave of embarrassment. Pregnancies were certainly not something she would have to deal with. "I, uh!" She spluttered, her face burning read hot, ears pinning back. Since she could not manage an intelligible response or clever retort, she simply pretended that nothing had happened, and busied herself with the dark girl's question.

Taking a moment to mull over her thoughts, she wondered how to best explain her role to someone who had no prior knowledge of her customs. "I helped to maintain spiritual order within the family by tending to the bridge that connects us to the gods. Help take care of father, ensuring others were following through with their daily tasks, providing counsel, offerings, prayers, and blessings; nothing too exciting." She sighed, unable to hide her ennui. There was nothing fun about blood sacrifices or chanting in monotone unison. Her role was a little different from the other priestesses and clerics, which provided reprieve from the repetition of daily tasks. "As the mortal manifestation of the gods, I am to reveal the truth, and condemn liars... Was to. I think they might all be dead anyways, so not much point to it I guess." There was some relief in the revelation, hinting that she was not particularly attached to the role.

By the time she had finished her explanation, Riva had fished out a jar from her pouch, and was beginning to show the contents, explaining the plants in a simple, easy to follow manner; perfect for a novice. She marveled at the contents, carefully observing and smelling them, trying to understand them so that if she saw them on her own, she would be able to identify them. "What are monkeys?" She tipped her head when offered an opportunity to pose questions. Her head was swimming with information. "Can you show me more?" She recognized the yarrow, something that she had seen in abundance during her hunts, and wanted to know what else had looked over while out in the wilds.