
No Disrespect [Pack Challenge]



5 Years
Extra large
06-09-2019, 12:57 AM

Almost as soon as she'd settled herself, the challenge was decided. "It is unfortunate that Ignatius didn't make it, but enough time has passed. I am now Fyri's new alpha." the titanic male boomed. There would be no battle to witness today. One brow lifted in surprise, and the femme hummed thoughtfully to herself. Perhaps she had not been too unlucky to have missed out on joining this pack under Ignatius' leadership? "Those who were under his leadership are free to go, if you wish." the man added, and only furthered his standing as a worthy contender and successor to the throne. It was gracious of him to release the previous members from their bonds, should they be so inclined as to leave. He was under no obligation to do so, after all. "I will be staking my claim in the North. Those who wish to find out more can follow me there, or seek me out later." That had the damsel's attention piqued, if it had not been already. She was eager to remain in her northern home, as well as within the sanctuary of a pack. Perhaps this was her chance to try again?

The champagne wolf was on the verge of rising to trail after this new king on her way North once more, when a fawn coloured yearling approached at a casual amble. There was a smaller male at his side. Neither of them were at quite her own size, but both bore muscle where she was svelte and willowy. ”I don’t know about you, but I thought that was a bit disappointing.” he commented coolly. The other male neglected to speak, but didn't appear disingenuous. Two toned gaze flicked over their forms in a brief assessment, auds flickering to catch any whispers from beyond that might reference them. The spirits were silent, and no omens could be found. Though, there was something about the larger male's eyes that nagged at the back of her mind, and she wondered if it was a premonition building.

In regards to his comment, she shrugged lightly. "It can't always end in a brawl, I suppose." she replied with a twist of her lips into a soft frown, her accent revealing the harshness of her mother tongue as a burr deep in her throat and an odd twist of her vowels. "I had met Ignatius briefly only a short while ago, I had considered joining him. Were you here in support of him, or the other?" she questioned curiously, turning her attention from the dispersing crowd to fix the males with her odd eyed, piercing gaze. The whorl of bottomless mercury and the eerie pink-red seemed so at odds with one another, and others tended to shy away from her.
