
Too Cold [Nyx]



07-17-2013, 07:49 PM


What else could she ask for today? The weather was rather pleasant -- even if the water was a bit cold -- and she met a cute boy! Tiberious really was quite pleasant on the eyes, with his soft white fur. Not that she knew it was soft... it just looked it, even though he was still quite wet. His fur was longer than her own, too; maybe he was from somewhere a bit colder than her own home? Curiosity burned in her vibrant blue eyes as she watched him, unblinkingly for a moment.

"I've heard of Glaciem," she noted eagerly, leaning forward ever so slightly, ears swiveling in the other wolf's direction. Arella wracked her mind, trying to recall what she'd heard about them. But she was at a loss -- her sudden excitement was a bit sudden, for she drew back just as quickly. "I actually don't know much about them. Guess I've just heard the name before." She shrugged suddenly, hoping he didn't mind that she didn't remember much about his pack -- or former pack? He did say someone else watched after him now, but it didn't seem like something he was eager to discuss.

But he seemed to distract himself, sliding his lower half to the ground, grinning at her -- and inviting her to run! Her tail began to wag behind her, and she followed in suit, crouching down a bit as though she might pounce. But she withheld her energy, grin growing from ear to ear. "I'd love to race!" She answered him with enthusiasm. "You count down!"