
Scared of the dark




4 Years
Other species

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-09-2019, 08:17 PM


She was engulfed by a brilliant and vicious light each time Cannival closed her eyes. The fire was relentless, sweeping over the thicket with a speed that no creature could possibly escape. It sped through the dry grass, killing with a fury unable to be contained. From her tree, the nightmare-ridden lioness could see a small form scurrying in rapid circles as the flames licked at her tiny heels, and from the creature screams of terror and pain echoed so loudly in her flattened ears that she could swear the cries were from her own mouth. Motif collapsed before her eyes into the fire, but it was as if Cannival's paws were glued to the branch beneath. Heat swirled around her and she could feel it eating away at her fur and flesh but still the lioness could not move, not to save her friend nor to escape herself. Almost as quickly as the fire was struck, a storm appeared overhead to unleash an onslaught of rain upon the earth. It beat upon the flames and the air screamed and hissed around her. The world from orange turned a smokey grey, and the flames began to dissipate and vanish as if quenched by magic. There upon the charred earth where Motif had perished, two small feline bundles lay bloodied, their necks torn open to spill upon the ashes. Her murdered cubs. "I'm sorry." Cannival would try to say, but the words would not come.  

"Canni?" Abruptly the cat was awoken, chest puffing hard as she drew in anxious breaths. Clean air. No fire. No smoke. Golden eyes searched the dark, seeing the thicket empty aside from few scattered dying embers. She clambered to her feet, latching onto the branch with paws that quivered violently alongside the rest of her body. Motif. It took her longer then it should have to identify the soft voice of her friend, the nightmare had taken ahold of her and she fought to shake it. Swallowing hard, Cannival leapt from the branch away from the thicket, careful to land far from the tree trunk and Motif.

"What's wrong?" The lioness asked worriedly, massive head turning to scrutinize the darkness around them as she approached. She didn't feel safe here, and she definitely took issue with the pup out this late. "What are you doing out here?" Her voice was soft, though there was an accusation in her words. Her fur puffed protectively, and her tail lashed the air behind her. "Have you forgotten the fire already? How could you be so careless? Something could happen.. I can't lose you, too."
