
Ely's Girlz



07-17-2013, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2013, 07:17 PM by Imena.)
I need more action here! :D

Gender- Female
Age- 2 years
Bio- Silly girl

Elysia is Kusugra's slave. But in her eyes she is much more than that. She loves Kus dearly. She has even given her tongue up to be with him. She is like his shadow, always at his shoulder unless she goes off to hunt and find her brother or Demoino

Reunit with her brother Kaveh-done
Have Kaveh meet Demonio
Follow Kus
Get females to join Kus like her

Gender- Female
Age- 4 years
Bio- Imena

A Vahallan healer/Denmother, Imena takes her job seriously. She has a huge heart for pups and will do anything for them. She currently was demoted to Omega for inapproperiate way of addresses Syrinx. She had not ment it that way, but what is done is done. But because of this demotion her depression is back. Though currently the presence of war has kept her mind off of it. She is currently in Seracia with the other Valhallans that are not fighting

Join Valhalla- done
Befriend Meili
Befriended Demonio and Cael- done
Finally talk about her past- done
Cael or Caerul?- Cael
Adopt a pup (Skyla)- Done
Needs friends in Valhalla-

Gender- Female
Age- 5 years
Bio- Keita the Ghost

This girl is my new one. Heristory is confusing, not even she knows it. Its all a blank really. So far Keita, the white ghost, will be forced to join Isar. Who knows what will happen to her then. She might sneek away whenever she can. Perhaps when she does she meets someone who could help her. They could plt a way to free all the females from Isar's ruling? She could be the inside key to everything.

On her one escape from Glaciem she has become a prisinor. She also gained a scar across her face. She does not wish to stay in Glaciem but is in not condition to fight for her freedom.

Force claimed by Isardis and in Glaciem- done
Have Isardis pups-
Find an outside resource to help in future plans-
Escape and be free of Glaciem