
what do we say to death?

not today!

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-09-2019, 08:51 PM
Theory pulled herself from Shaye’s grasp, and she could hear the anger in her voice as she spoke of leaving family being unacceptable. Shaye let out a soft sigh at the words, hearing more than what was spoken. The young girl was determined, and Shaye didn’t try hard to hold her, before she wrestled free from the Alpha, and got only a short distance before falling onto the ground again. your injured!” Shaye said with a gasp, seeing now the burns on the young girls paws.

She got quickly to her feet, ignoring her own aches as she swept forward and picked the girl up by her scruff. With the young girl in her grasp, the alpha would move quickly down the rapids to where the supplies were being kept. She dropped the girl down gently by the herbs and began to form a poultice from them with expert movements. She hadn’t been a healer for a time, but before that her whole life had been dedicated to the craft. “I will ensure you know the second Verse is found, and I will set whoever is not injured and free to searching and calling for her, okay?” she told the girl. She should have done this in the first place, but she was certain that Verse was not near the Thicket.


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