
just exist

for song



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
06-09-2019, 08:52 PM
Ignatius was gone.

She couldn't deny it any longer. It'd been a hard truth to admit, especially at first, and when he'd hadn't shown up when the white-pelted male had called to challenge for his throne it'd been her gut instinct to convince herself that there had to be some explanation. Perhaps Ignatius had simply been too far from home to answer the call. Perhaps he would return, with some explanation of his disappearance. But Kirsi remained in the lands he had laid claim to, and his scent slowly faded until she could hardly catch a whiff of him anywhere.

Only briefly did she let sadness grip her. The feeling of longing for him was replaced quickly with something like anger - dull and hardly present at all, at least at first, though slowly she felt it consuming her like a plague. Had his forgiveness been merely a masquerade? She'd been close, so close, to telling him the truth of everything that had happened... and then he slipped from her paws like water, without giving her a chance to tighten her grip on him.

A sigh fell from her lips as she picked herself up from the ground, where she'd been slumped against the side of a oversized redwood tree. It was hard to know exactly where she needed to go next, but she needed to keep moving. Luckily, she wasn't the type to wallow in her own pity forever... instead her indignation fueled her and pushed her forward, though without any clear path. Once, she'd been fully convinced that he'd been the center of her universe, but given how fully he'd fallen away from her she was beginning to realize she'd been mistaken. Blinded by love, so to speak. A slight sneer touched her lips as she picked up her pace, grateful to feel the cool breeze whipping through her coat as she broke into a steady trot.