
Find me a future

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-09-2019, 09:12 PM
“Then come by any time, okay? Just let your dad know first” she told Theory, extending an open-ended invitation for her to join them whenever she wished. She knew she couldn’t replace what she had lost in Tana, and she could never make up for her part in scaring Tana away, but she would offer everything she could to the sweet, bright-eyed girl.

“Good idea” she said, giving the girl a cheeky grin of her own she Theory asked to hear about diplomat-related things.

“Alright,” she said, settling down in front of the girl, but leaving a spot open in front of her paws if the girl wanted to sit there. “The packs can change easily, all it takes is a challenge to be won, for another leader to take their place…” she began.

“There are Eight packs in the land at the moment… Abaven is longest standing pack at the moment, with the Risen Empire after that. The Risen Empire is all the way in Auster, lucky for us because they are full of a group of wolves that believe they are gods walking on earth, descendent from their god. They are a large pack, and offending them or their Alpha Melleus could very easily lead to trouble.” she nodded at the girl seriously, before moving on to a different pack. “Kesali is a newly formed pack, with a good-hearted Alpha called Branch, they are an ally of ours. Kesali considers itself a pack of traders, and like to swap favours… any questions so far?”


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