
The Next Step

Novel iii


6 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
06-09-2019, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2019, 09:50 PM by Novel iii.)
She waited nervously at the border, favoring her forever damaged leg as she waited to see who would arrive. Her ears picked up the faint sound of footsteps and it sounded like they were fast approaching. Uh oh... For a moment, she thought maybe it was someone racing to the border ready to attack her if they thought she was a trespasser. Maybe this pack was an aggressive one, and she almost got the fleeting thought to run. But as the figure broke into view, she got a glimpse of a fast moving blur of white and she squinted to try and figure out what it was. Before she was able to figure it out, however, the figure crashed into her and effectively tackled her to the ground.

A yelp of surprise left her as she fell over, the familiar scent of her litter-mate washing over her and she couldn't be more excited. The nervousness left her in that moment, and she couldn't help but laugh and hug her larger brothers form. "Octave!" She was surprised to see him here but was also very, very glad. It meant that if she joined, she wouldn't be alone.

The arrival and the greeting of another caught her attention, and her giggling ceased as she struggled to untangle herself and find her feet. Panting, she scrambled up and cocked her head at the woman who had introduced herself as Shaye Destruction. Was she related to her and her brothers in some way? "M-my name is Novel Destruction the Third, I've come to seek entry into your pack...since my brothers are here." She had caught a vague scent of Allegro here too and couldn't believe her luck.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!