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5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-10-2019, 06:52 PM
Malleus’ gaze grew keener at the mention of Seth. So the little devil had survived the flood after all. This knowledge surprised him a great deal. Why hadn’t the imp come home? Surely the surly arms of his family were better than the wilds and the slovenly mortal packs.

He tilted his head at the mention of familiar smelling pups. Having just learned about Seth, Malleus’ thoughts naturally went to him. On average mortals were a great deal smaller than Abraxas. Perhaps the imp had finally found someone small enough to climb on top of. That didn’t bode well. Seth was grievously flawed. He had no business siring any litters let alone ones beyond the confines of the Empire. ”Hmmm,” he rumbled again, this time the corners of his mouth tipping downwards in a mild display of disapproval. Even if the pups in question were young adults they could still be accounted for by the presence of the dwarf provided he had jumped someone’s bones quite soon after the flooding. ”Yes I agree, it sounds like a visit is needed.”

He listened to the rest of the rundown with a contemplative expression. The size of the packs heartened him. It seemed they were growing smaller as Risen grew bigger. It was a good sign and a welcome one. ”Good work, Kasdeya. You know should it interest you, you have my support in challenging for one of them.”
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.