
waiting for this moment to be free



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
06-10-2019, 08:07 PM
Kai had found himself at the beach.. again. Even he wasn't quite sure what had gotten into him, but there was something unquestionably invigorating about the way the salty air whipped at his face and stung his eyes. The wind that came in from the sea was a welcome relief from the dry summer season, and he hoped tonight would be another somewhat cool night. The setting sun cast a colorful palette of colors across the horizon, though the illuminated sky was rapidly growing darker and darker with each step - replaced by a spread of glimmering stars that could be faintly seen between the scattered clouds.

He squinted as he tipped his head to the sky, trying to make out even a single familiar star in the darkening sky. His effort was in vain, his view obscured by clouds that drifted slowly overhead, and the fact that night hadn't really truly fallen yet. Abandoning his quest to study the constellations his father had once shown him as a boy, he returned his attention to the beach ahead of him, feeling the ground shift from dirt to sand beneath his paws as he drew closer. He felt a slight yawn slip from his jaws, a sign of his relaxation more than how close he was to sleep, though he regained some composure when he saw the silhouette of a stranger nearby.

His scent was mostly unfamiliar. He smelled like something he couldn't quite place, something weirdly nostalgic, and he found his interest quickly piqued. Kai couldn't tell much from his current distance, only that the male was nearly his size - if not larger - and definitely his type. Inhaling a slow breath and puffing up his chest slightly, he moved to close the distance between them, clearing his throat to announce his presence. "It's a beautiful one, isn't it?" He asked conversationally as he drew up alongside him, still maintaining a safe distance, angling his tusks toward the sunset - in case Rhyme wasn't sure what he was talking about.