
warm blood, cold hearts

ft acere



2 Years
06-11-2019, 05:42 PM
she heard there was a pack in the area.

though where it exactly lay, she was uncertain. to her, the scent was fresh yet few in number. not very easy to track, especially for one whose skills did not specialize in such things. Heloise was still attempting to find the lay of the land. her specializations were meager and lacked fruition. though she was not lost. there was no direction in mind. merely whispers and rumors on the wind of a new pack forming from an old one. simple.

so she did not make a proverbial bee-line toward the unknown pack. she waited, reveling in the colder climates compared to the east. here is where the woman thrived and it was foolish to make herself adapt outside of what she knew. and though not lost, she did seek information. specifically from the wolf population in the area. it would not to do to show up at their door, a blatant stranger and asking questions. so she would seek one that was not busy. someone who could answer her questions.

it was equally foolish to throw oneself into a community without proper knowledge, after all. walking - perhaps less bold and more sure of herself - in plain sight of the riverbed, Heloise would wait for another to show. if at all. someone had to pass by eventually, correct? this was a steady flow of water and prey seemed to be running nicely here. it stood to reason someone would come by to hunt or take a drink. reclining upon her back legs, she'd sit down by the water and stare into the depths.

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag