
As we roll down this unfamiliar road


07-17-2013, 08:47 PM

He hadn't spent much time under his aunt's rule, but he could already see that was an excellent alpha. He didn't remember much about when his own father had held the Valhallan crown, but Chrysanthe was handling it like a pro. He would've thought that she'd been doing it for some time if he didn't know that she was only about a year or two older than him. She was so professional and yet friendly at the same; it was the perfect combination for an alpha. At least that's what he thought. He watched with growing curiosity as Meili introduced herself, revealing the want to become part of a pack. A gentle smile curled his silver lips as his aunt confirmed that she would love to have her here in Valhalla. He could've howled with joy, but since his aunt was so composed and professional, he figured he had to be the same. At least while in her presence. Going all crazy was certainly no way to act around an alpha. And plus he was a yearling now. Too old to do silly things like those.

He noticed his aunt's azure gaze flicker to his and he flashed her an innocent looking toothy grin, the kind that said I'm-behaving-myself-even-if-I-don't-look-like-I-am, ivory tipped plume wagging behind tawny haunches, audits pricked forward with attention as his aunt continued to give Meili the low down of the rules, offering up her help were the teal-eyed woman ever to need something. Lips remained sealed, cerulean gaze merely jumping back and forth between the two woman as Chrysanthe asked his little woman if she would be interested in helping the hunters. That was perfect for her. She was quick on her feet and not to bad at hunting. It should be the perfect task for her.

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