
Snakes and Stones




8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
06-11-2019, 09:02 PM
Oh god this grass was tall. Armando flopped down on his rump and stared up at the tops of the weeds that towered over his head. Of course the tall animals picked a place like this. No one thought of the little guy who was only knee high to the weeds and needed to climb a stump to check out the path ahead.

He huffed and then stood up on his hind legs which made him eye level with the tops of the cattails. Slowly he turned from left to right, his big eyes narrowed as he searched for something in particular. After a beat he found her and his eyes widened. The lioness. Supposedly she held a similar position in the pack which meant she was another safe predator. "Safe" predator. Perhaps that was an oxymoron but he was eager to find out. Having a lion for a friend was better than a whole pack of wolves.

Armando dropped down to all fours and then took off bounding in Cannival's direction. Every once in a while he jumped up so he could see where he was going, but for the most part he simply skittered through the weeds and hoped nothing big got in his way. After a ways the weeds thinned out. The downside was that as the weeds thinned the rocks grew more plentiful and he found himself picking carefully through loose stone.

He had to admit there was an advantage to the rocks, though, as he circled around the cluster of rocks Cannival was near and clamored up the other side. This enabled him to be more or less eye level after he peeked around the rocks at her. "You must be Cannival," he pipped warmly. "When I heard Abaven had another non-wolf Sanctuary I just had to come say hello."

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.