
There's never been a fairytale ending for us




4 Years
Extra small
06-11-2019, 09:11 PM

There's a hole in my heart, can you fix it?

She was almost about to leave when suddenly Rhyme stood in her path. He was so quiet now and her equally so. She had been harmed enough by both him and shaye that there was nothing she could say to make either understand anymore. Shaye hadn't even been bothered enough to track her down to try to speak, that spoke enough. And for Rhyme, he had shown he had made a choice before she had ran. He thanked her for the herbs to start everything and she only dipped her head to answer the thanks he gave.

He wasnt about to let her leave yet though. He spoke again, this time a question. She turned her face back to the border and took a whiff quickly. Verse had always followed Rhyme and it was no shock that her scent was on the wind. She turned her head back to Rhyme then and moved towards him giving him a gentle nudge. She wasnt speaking if any could overhear them. Basil was quick to take Alma and go seek out verse to keep her distracted for now. She hobbled off a ways until she reached the falls where the water would cover any yells or words between them. "Theres no need to hurt any of us any further, best we talk here..... if its talking you really want to do." she stopped and turned to face Rhyme, shaking the hood of her cloak off her head. She was tired and felt like she had aged years already though. "To answer your question now, they're safer if I'm not involved.... I love them too much to not leave them so they can be safe...." he wouldnt understand probably. Shaye wouldn't have told him, she probably was too happy that she forced Tana out without banishing her and tarnishing her name. No she probably told them all that Tana truly hated them and that she left because she couldn't stand them, a lie but likely what they knew. Did verse remember though?

Walk, "Tana", Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.