
One Can Only Dream



07-17-2013, 08:50 PM

The solitude was peaceful to say the least after that dream she had. It was more of a memory than dream. Shoulders flexed as she small pains of hunger made it's self noticed. She didn?t feel like hunting yet. She could wait till dark anyways. Even though Imena had been a loner for some time, she was rather fit. Being near the bottom on the pack she had learned to hunt by herself, then her banishment of perfected it. She might be tiny but she could pack a punch if needed.
The feeling of being watched made the fur along her shoulders and spine rise. Black nose raised high in the air taking great huffs. Head sharply twitched to the side. Something, someone was there. She couldn?t see them really but instinct told her. " Why hide? Surely one wolf is not much to fear?" She called out in a soft voice. There was no threat, fear, just an acknowledgment someone was there and a bit curious.
Haunches sat upon the earth, proven she meant no harm. She was patient to saw the least. After all one had to be if they were a den mother/father. She had bitter sweet memories of those pups. How she lived them like they were her own. With a soft sigh she gave her chest a few licks, waiting for the other, who ever it was to approach.
Though she seemed normal there was still an air of depression that surrounded her like a mist. It would always be there, it cloaked her like the clouds did at night to the moon, blocking out it's light. But Imena had no issues meeting others. She could care less whether her met other wolves or not but would remain respectful.