
Roll with the punches

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-13-2019, 01:06 AM

A small scarred wolf would answer her cry, and Shaye would note her as she moved into view, and how she seemed surprised to find Shaye here alone. The Alpha offered her a smile, and Winter gave a soft squawk on her back. “It would be my pleasure.” Shaye said easily, eyes scrutinising the scars that littered the girls body, without staring. She was contemplating what sort of lifestyle would have marked her so.

She let her body fall into the familiar rhythm of defense’s, paws spreading out in balance, tail lifted like a banner behind her. Her chin tucked to her neck, and she rolled her shoulders forward. She didn’t know the fighting level of the woman before her, so Shaye would take the approach that felt most appropriate - brute strength, to match her greater size.

She left forward, and swallowed the distance between them in a few easy strides. Winter lifted from her back and circled closely above them, cowing in a distracting manner. Shaye rose her right shoulder upwards as she finished her last push, and aimed to drive it into the left side of the other woman’s neck. She hoped to throw the other girl off balance, but whether or not she succeeded, she would twist her head towards her and attempt to scratch her teeth across the woman’s far left cheek. Careful to go nowhere near the woman's eye, it was only a friendly spar after all.

Shaye vs Heloise for spar
Round 1/2?
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Offensive Accessory: raven braces with spikes
Defensive Accessory: raven bracers
Companion 1: battle Raven
Fight Skill Level: expert

"Talk" "You" Think


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