
Roll with the punches

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-13-2019, 01:33 AM

Her blows caught the other woman too easily. She was accustomed to sparring with her large Alpha partner. She felt the jar as she connected, and in truth it almost knocked her off balance. She wasn’t the rock her heavier set, larger friend was. Her teeth grazed the woman's cheek, and Shaye almost regretted it as she tasted blood. She moved her head a small measure backwards, a drop of blood flicked between them.The smaller wolf would offer some retaliation here, as she ducked her head down to nip at Shaye’s left leg.

The Alpha let her have the attack, letting the smaller wolf dip her head, before attempting to push her chin down on the back of the woman’s head. As she did so, she felt her opponent draw blood as her nip made contact on her leg. Shaye would attempt to drive her weight down on the other wolf, at the same time as moving her right leg closer, aiming to shove her leg into Heloise’s front right leg, in the hopes that her forefront spiked raven bracers might draw blood.

Shaye vs Heloise for spar
Round 2/2
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Offensive Accessory: raven braces with spikes
Defensive Accessory: raven bracers
Companion 1: battle Raven
Fight Skill Level: expert

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