
What goes up..



4 Years
06-13-2019, 08:09 PM

“Beloved” The word radiated in his soul and for a perfect moment the world in its entirety only existed in the fraction of space they shared. He listened to his lovers pounding heart and felt more than heard his question.

“A woman I can finally trust.” He said quietly, unsure if he should hold back or tell him the truth; that a minor fling when she was in heat and he was still a proud and noble creature, before his fall, had resulted in a second litter.

“A third litter.” His thoughts reminded him and he felt his spirits drop for a moment.

No more lies he decided then. No more withholding the truth from himself and especially not Kai. Kai had been his rock in troubled times, he deserved to know the truth of the man he had chosen. “Her name is Paradise…” He began. “We met last Winter before…” He swallowed a cold lump in his throat remembering the dark battle, his lapse in sanity, and his ultimate betrayal from nearly his entire pack.

“Well…We met in Winter.” He said with great finality. “She was in heat and I was…Me.” He grumbled the last word out hoping Kai would understand how much change he had been forced through. “We met again after my litter was taken from me.” “Your second litter” His mind howled but he refused to voice the thought in its entirety, and instead mentally berating himself for breaking his own promise so quickly.

“I told her what had happened, and she promised to stand beside me and protect our litter.” His voice seemed distant now. “When they were born and my other pups returned to me she continued to stay by my side. She’s…” He trailed off, unsure how the next words would impact Kai. “She’s my mate.”

He withdrew hastily, looking into Kai’s silver eyes before he fervently declared; “But I love you Kai, with all my heart, I could never repay you for all you’ve done for me even if I lived a hundred lifetimes and in each of those lives I would want nothing more than live my days out with you.” Without another word he crushed Kai to his body, sure that now he would vanish like a fine mist at any moment and he would be more alone than he had ever been in his entire life.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  