
Tsarvix v Aureus



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-13-2019, 08:47 PM

Aureus fidgeted with eagerness as his brother spoke, pride filling his bosom. Pyrr really was the best choice as heir. He held himself like a leader and Aureus felt a small twinge of jealousy as his brother fell so naturally into his roll within the pack. Aureus had a simple roll for now. He was a soldier, but every so often he flirted with the idea of something more prominent. He was the brother of the heir after all. He should be making a name for himself.

They were paired into spars and he glanced over at the man he was to duel. A good-sized man of an average build. He glanced at his panther companion. "Why don't you sit this fight out Kali?" The panther shrugged. "If it pleases you." He slipped over to a tree in the courtyard and quickly climbed it to get a good vantage point for watching the spars.

Aureus moved to stand across from Tsarvix, gazing curiously at the new male. He'd heard of the man that Pyrr had recruited. The man didn't seem to certain. Had Pyrrhic neglected to tell the man he had a twin? Aureus grinned as he was given the first move. "Excellent. Good luck to you, lets have some fun."

His defenses fell into place with practiced precision, hackles laced down his back as he rolled his shoulders forward, his neck scrunching back. Ears pinned tight to his head as his tail shifted to align with his spine. He adjusted his weight across his limbs and steadied himself into a strong stance.

Eyeing his opponent for a moment he suddenly burst forward in an attempt to close the distance between himself and Tsarvix as Aureus sought to charge him directly head on. His upper body would lift, his weight shifting across his back legs, his tail fanning out wide for added stability, as he attempted to lift both his front legs off the ground. He sought to wrap his left forelimb around the right side and back of the base of Tsar's neck, right in front of his shoulders.  Aureus aimed to wrap his right forepaw behind Tsar's left foreleg, just below the elbow in a bid to pull the limb back towards himself to unbalance the other male.  At the same time as he attempted to wrap his fore limbs around his opponent, Aureus also tried to slam the exact center of his chest into the base of Tsar's neck where it connected to the chest.  Aureus hoped to cause bruising as well as knock the air from the other mans lungs, hoping the combination of his pulling limbs and pushing chest might throw his opponent off balance and take the man to the ground.

Also in conjunction with his other attacks his head would tip down just a bit more, having already been tipped for his defenses, as his jaws splayed wide in an effort to bite the man's face.  Aureus sought to angle his head slightly to his own left so that his upper fangs would land just above Tsar's right eye and his lower fangs seeking to hook under the corner of Tsar's right-sided jaw.  He wanted to get a firm hold and also tear deep into flesh in hopes that the bleeding wound over Tsar's right eye might run into the eye and temporarily blind the man.

Aureus vs Tsarvix for Spar
Round 1 of ?
Size: Extra Large
Build: Heavy
Fight skill: Expert