
Tsarvix v Aureus



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-13-2019, 11:50 PM


Tsarvix readied himself as Aureus wished him luck, nodding his head in response. He was concentrating too hard to lose himself in politeness. Perhaps the other would take it badly, but the doppelganger wouldn't understand Tsarvix's hesitance even if he tried to explain.

He began with the easiest of the defenses, balance. Sliding his paws along the dirt, they were to spread just enough past his shoulders and hips to bear his weight. His toes splayed wide, his claws digging into the ground for traction. He lowered himself slightly for a more favorable center of gravity, head ducking to come in line with his spinal cord. With balance handled, he focused on protection next. Ears pulled back tight against his neck and eyes narrowed as he recalled his training. The fur upon his hackles puffed, as did the ruffles upon his neck and back. He knew to protect his throat, and so he angled his muzzle sharply downwards. Lastly, his paws lifted one after the other to loosen the muscles in his shoulders before jutting them upwards slightly in a way that gave himself a hunch.

Aureus barreled towards him, and for a moment all Tsarvix wanted to do was drop everything and run from the furious God. This wasn't Pyrrhic, however, and so he steadied himself against the yearling's charge. He expected the larger male to come low- as most of the other wolves he’d fought- and was caught unawares as Aureus’ front end lifted and his left foreleg fell upon Tsarvix’s broad opposite shoulder and held. It was an unexpected strategy, and while Tsarvix thought on how best to displace the weight, Aureus’s right paw came around his left leg, and Tsarvix was forced to think quickly.

Tsarvix threw his weight to his [Tsar’s] right with as much forward momentum as he could gather in the space between them, a sad attempt to push back against Aureus’ incoming impact of chest. The movement shifted his torso just far enough over that Aureus’ sternum was to land against Tsarvix’s left collar bone rather than the vulnerable windpipe. A dull warmth spread through his shoulder first, followed quickly by a hard thuddy pain. Aureus’ heavier form would cause at least a severe bruise. Now was not the time to withdraw in pain however, as Aureus’ was making an attempt to take Tsarvix to the ground. Suddenly, he felt a sudden wet tear from above his right brow and blood began to drip over his eyelashes and partially obscure his vision. He yanked his head left and away suddenly, tearing Aureus’ fangs from the skin before they could grasp firmly, but causing more blood to pour from the wound.

He was unable to see past the thick cascade of crimson and squinted his right eye shut, wrenching his head forward towards Aureus as he threw himself to match Aureus’ downward pull. However, he’d for the moment not need his sight if he was successful in his attempt, as he’d try to ram the right side of his neck and head alongside Aureus’ own neck’s right side, dropping his weight to accept the fall to the ground, hopefully putting enough momentum into it that Aureus would not be able to react in time to pull his left foreleg off of Tsarvix’s shoulder. If executed correctly, Tsarvix hoped that the weight of his massive opponent would work against him, crushing his own foreleg beneath his[Tsar’s] right shoulder. It was a risky move, however, and even if it worked out the way Tsarvix intended he’d still be on the ground and subject to Aureus’ greater strength. His next move would be to ensure that he’d not be trapped beneath the giant and so he angled his muzzle sharply upwards and to the right, snapping his jaws in the direction of Aureus’ cheek in an attempt to grab hold upon whichever pocket of skin he could. He needed to land something for insurance, so that Aureus would pull back and give Tsarvix some breathing room for the next round of attacks.

Aureus vs Tsarvix for Spar
Round 1 of 2?
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Fight skill: Intermediate


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.