
As we roll down this unfamiliar road



6 Years
07-17-2013, 09:46 PM

The young female walked along the border, zig zagging in and out over the invisible line that said what land was owned and what was not. To some, like her mother, the unclaimed lands were dangerous places to be. Valhalla was a good enough place, might as well stay forever without ever leaving unless there was due cause. Luckily for her, Soleil has a laid back parenting style, letting her children find their own way in life. If she had been a litter tighter roped, perhaps Soleon would be here and Gael would not feel as though he needed to put so much effort into fitting in.

Then there was Azalea, thirty for knowledge and adventure but never enough to stray and not return. Not the Gael sort of return, she would return without twenty-four hours.

The female moved lazily, full from her most recent meal. Fawn, a meal enjoyed with friends. Her amber eyes gazed around, paws gluing to the ground. She looked confused for a moment. It was Gael... and it sounded like he was near the border. Why would he be calling from the border? She pushed into a trot, moving easily in his direction. She still took her time, no reason to rush.

He was farther than she had predicted and when she arrived, Chrysanthe was already there and a good deal of conversing had already occurred. She came in at the tail end of whatever Chrys was saying. Something about Ashtoreth. Azalea conjured an image in her head and tried to figure what the silver female would have to with her brother, and then she saw that it was not only Gael standing there. Dwarfed by him stood another. A female. The two stood near each other and Azalea quickly slunk forward to investigate.

She didn't even spare anyone a greeting. Her eyes gave the average looking female, who was extra petite, the once over before she looked to Gael. She stepped toward him, to where her mouth was to his ear. "Older women?" Was her snarky comment, pulling away with a straight face but amusement in her eyes. She backpedaled until she was standing beside her aunt and mentor. "I'm Azalea, Gael's sister." Already she had wrapped her head around what was going on and restrained herself from making any other comments, such as a referrance to her superiority to her brother in brains, beauty, and pretty much anything else she could think of. Like a good sister, she had to give Gael a hard time but when it involved a newly recruited wolf, she figured it was best saved for another day.

Besides, she didn't want Chrysanthe to chide her and hit her or anything like that. Azalea glanced at the female, most similar to her in looks, her mind cringing at the thought of the can of whoop-ass she knew Chrys could release on her.
