
sweet nothings



4 Years
06-16-2019, 08:03 PM
the day had long turned to nightshade with the only companions he had were the chirp of crickets. fireflies idly buzzed by his head as he made his way amongst the overgrown landscape. he had traveled a long time to get to this land, wherever it was and whoever lived here, and he wasn't about to go head back any time soon. it would seem a fresh start was required. the faces of the past faded from his memory quickly as he pushed them aside. no longer bound by the restrictions of family, friends... he was just alone. Benedict didn't mind though. he always got his best ideas when he was left to think, and his mind should be calm anyway. he had to make a plan of action soon.

though it was summer, the winter months would come soon. he needed to either improve himself or lean on the dependency of a pack. though who would even take him? he was fresh-faced and new to this realm. he didn't think he had anyone who'd back him up either if he wanted to join a pack. the natives had no reason to trust him. he was, after all, just as new to them as they were to him. sniffing idly at a low hanging branch ripe with fruit, he figured this was a good place to settle for the night. the prey had gone to ground to sleep, but he could pick up something to eat if he was really hungry. maybe a small game like nocturnal beasts; though he wasn't sure what was even native here.

Benedict slowly curled up on the ground below a tree, using its shelter to both protect and almost hide him from sight. his pale fur shone slightly in the moon's light, but he was obscured by shadows regardless. in the morning, he'd go further into this land. right now, he wanted to rest his paws from the travel he endured to get here. without a fuss, he'd begin to close his eyes and drift off.

to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent